We welcome the use of these materials for programming and for the development of similar initiatives at other institutions; we only ask that this project and its materials be cited appropriately where used. Please see “license information” for further information.
20 Minute Video
The video is comprised of clips from videotaped interviews in which several UBC students, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, share their most memorable classroom experiences where the discussion of Aboriginal issues became difficult, as well as share their reflections on the dynamics underpinning these situations. Candid, touching, and provocative, their interviews highlight not only the problems themselves, but also the repercussions that these experiences can have, as well as potential ways to move forward.
Discussion Topics
The key issues and problems that were drawn out in the interviews formed the basis for four different discussions topics. The discussion topics are designed to provide a starting point for engaging with some of the project materials and the issues that they bring up. These topics can be used as a framework for discussion in many different contexts, whether in the classroom, in meetings, or in workshops.
Resource Material (Downloads)
The resource material is designed more specifically for a workshop context, and can assist facilitators in implementing the discussion topics. These materials include a workshop model, strategies for responding to some of the common reactions to the project, and access to the Users Guide.
Interview Archives
The interviews, which form the basis for the 20 minute video, are also available online in their full-length formats. Though the video is comprised solely of student interviews, additional interviews are available for viewing in the archive, including those of instructors and administrators. The archives are available to you via Interactive Video/Transcript Viewer (IVT) – an innovative, web-based tool that sychronizes a video with its transcript, so as you play the video, its transcript updates automatically.
DVD-ROM & Users Guide
The video and users guide are also available in their hard copy formats for purchase. For more information about purchasing these materials, please contact us at issuesintheclass(at)gmail.com.